Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins

Release Date: March 02, 2010
Publisher: Hyperion Book CH
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 336


Three years ago, Sophie Mercer discovered that she was a witch. It's gotten her into a few scrapes. Her non-gifted mother has been as supportive as possible, consulting Sophie's estranged father--an elusive European warlock--only when necessary. But when Sophie attracts too much human attention for a prom-night spell gone horribly wrong, it's her dad who decides her punishment: exile to Hex Hall, an isolated reform school for wayward Prodigium, a.k.a. witches, faeries, and shapeshifters.

By the end of her first day among fellow freak-teens, Sophie has quite a scorecard: three powerful enemies who look like supermodels, a futile crush on a gorgeous warlock, a creepy tagalong ghost, and a new roommate who happens to be the most hated person and only vampire on campus. Worse, Sophie soon learns that a mysterious predator has been attacking students, and her only friend is the number-one suspect.

As a series of blood-curdling mysteries starts to converge, Sophie prepares for the biggest threat of all: an ancient secret society determined to destroy all Prodigium, especially her.

My Review:

Hex Hall hooked me in from the start, I could not stop laughing at the end of the prologue what with lines like “I don’t need eyes to see you! I see you with the eyes of my heart”. Don’t ask me why I find that so funny but I was literally laughing at that line the next day, hand on I’m giggling about it now as I write this review.

The book begins with a love spell gone wrong performed by our protagonist Sophie Mercer who is swiftly sent to Hectate Hall or as the students call it Hex Hall. We soon lean that Hex Hall is a boarding school for prodigium (witches, warlocks, faeries and shapeshifters) who have performed magic that they shouldn’t have as it could have exposed what they are to humans. So all of the students have been shipped off to Hex Hall, kind of like a reform school I guess you could say. From the first day Sophie already has met a cute boy she finds infuriating, Archer Cross, manages to really annoy three beautiful witches and get a roommate that is the only vampire student on campus that everyone either hates or is suspicious of. What a day! We soon find out that not everything is what it seems at Hex Hall and a student was found dead in the girls bathroom drained of all her blood and Sophie’s only friend, Jenna her vampire roommate, the number one suspect. Sophie also soon has to deal with three powerful witches wanting her to join their covern and the fallout when she says no, her growing crush on Archer Cross, a ghost that keeps on following her, students being attacked and the revelation of what her absent father does and is.

I loved the character of Sophie she was strong, smart, funny and sarcastic! I love sarcasm, maybe because I can be really sarcastic, but some of the lines that Sophie came out with were so funny. I mean who says “bad dog!” to a warewolf that is running towards you, if you want to find out what I’m talking about you’ll just have to read the book. Archer was another interesting character, throughout the book there was something not quite right about him but I had no idea what and I still don’t really understand what happened there but this will definitely be explored in more depth in the next book, well I hope so anyway. We do find out why the student was found dead and others attacked so there are some parts of the book that are wrapped up. Let me tell you I had no clue who was attacking the students so it was a bit of surprise when the bomb was dropped which I am glad to say I was pleasantly surprised who or what did it. Whilst some parts of the book were resolved many parts were left unresolved especially surrounding Sophie, her lineage and her father. So bring on the next book I can’t wait to find out what happens next particularly so because of how the book ended. My mouth was open in shock, with me saying she can’t do that, what the?!?!

Crescendo Cover Revealed

Here is the just released cover of Becca Fitzpatrick's book Crescendo the sequel to her brilliant fist novel hush,hush and it's great, I love it! I can't wait until Crescendo is released on the 16th of November 2010, it's so far away :(

What do you guys think?

Below is the blurb for Crescendo taken from Becca's website (http://beccafitzpatrick.com).

Nora should have known her life was far from perfect. Despite starting a relationship with her guardian angel, Patch (who, title aside, can be described as anything but angelic), and surviving an attempt on her life, things are not looking up. Patch is starting to pull away and Nora can't figure out if it's for her best interest or if his interest has shifted to her arch-enemy, Marcie Millar. Not to mention that Nora is haunted by images of her father and she becomes obsessed with finding out what really happened to him that night he left for Portland and never came home.

The further Nora delves into the mystery of her father's death, the more she comes to question if her Nephilim bloodline has something to do with it as well as why she seems to be in danger more than the average girl. Since Patch isn't answering her questions and seems to be standing in her way, she has to start finding the answers on her own. Relying too heavily on the fact that she has a guardian angel puts Nora at risk again and again. But can she really count on Patch or is he hiding secrets darker than she can even imagine?

My First Blog Posting!

Welcome to all my blog readers and thanks for stopping by! As this is my first posting I just thought I would explain what I plan to do with this blog which will basically be me reviewing books that I have read. Lately I have rekindled my love of reading and whilst doing some internet searching on books discovered this little gem of a site known as goodreads.com (my new favourite site!). Anyway whilst on goodreads I started to write reviews for books I read and found that I really enjoyed it and decided the next step was for me to start my own blog reviewing books I read. So voilà 'lost in stories' was created.

I absolutely love young adults novels so basically 'lost in stories' will have a young adult novel focus that said I may review other novels once in a while. I have a particular interest in the fantasy genre, I also love a good vampire novel as well as anything with romance in it (who doesn't love a good romance? I'm a sucker for love).

I guess that's all for now, I hope you will all enjoy reading my blog.

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Romy @ Lost.in.Stories
Greetings fellow blog readers, welcome to my blog and thank you for stopping by. Now you may be wondering who is lost.in.stories? Well lost.in.stories is also known as Romy, a 23 year old graduate student from Australia who loves to read. I read (maybe devour would be a more appropriate word) largely young adult novels, with a particular love of fantasy and paranormal novels, however I am also a sucker for a good romance.
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