Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Iron Daughter by Julie Kagawa

Release Date: August 01, 2010
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 368


Half Summer faery princess, half human, Meghan has never fit in anywhere. Deserted by the Winter prince she thought loved her, she is prisoner to the Winter faery queen. As war looms between Summer and Winter, Meghan knows that the real danger comes from the Iron Fey, iron-bound faeries that only she and her absent prince have seen. But no one believes her. Worse, Meghan's own fey powers have been cut off. She's alone in Faery with only her wits for help. Trusting anyone would be foolish. Trusting a seeming traitor could be deadly. But even as she grows a backbone of iron, Meghan can't help but hear the whispers of longing in her all-too-human heart.

My Review:

The iron daughter follows on not long after the events that took place in the iron king. Megan is being held in the Winter court by Queen Mab due to the bargain Megan made with Ash to save her brother. Ash has been absent this whole time leaving Megan alone and confused wondering if Ash really did care for her or not, was this all just a game to him in order to get Megan to the Winter court? When Megan does finally see Ash he is distant, aloof and rude to her which makes Megan even more confused because she loves him, why is he being like this? It soon becomes clear that Ash is only trying to protect Megan, if his mother or Rowan (Ash’s brother) knew how either Megan or he felt for each other they would both be in trouble, as they would use this against them, showing your feelings in the winter court is seen as a weakness. Soon however Megan and Ash are thrown together again when the sceptre of the seasons is stolen from the Winter court by the iron fey. Megan and Ash must find the sceptre and bring it back or war will break out between winter and summer which could have devastating consequences for the whole Nevernever.

Julie Kagawa has done it again and managed to write a book full of action, suspense and romance, that I could not put down. Megan really comes into her own in this book, she is strong, intelligent and fiercely loyal. I really felt for her at the start of the book with Ash gone and then suddenly reappearing but being distant, she had to suffer the cold winter court all alone. I really admired her decision to try and find the sceptre once it was stolen instead of going home (which she could have) because she understood the dire consequences that could result if it’s not returned and she also realised that she is part of this world whether she want to be or not.

You may be wondering like I was for the first couple of pages where is Puck? Well fear not all you Puck admirers Puck is back! I love Puck he is such a fun character, but I am torn between who I want Megan to end up with, it’s clear that both Puck and Ash love Megan. At the start of the book it was Puck then it was Ash, then Puck and then Ash again, oh my either way someone’s going to get hurt. I’ll just say one of them is not going to be happy at the end of the book. I got the feeling that whilst Ash does really love Megan he is still very much in love with his old love which can’t be easy for Megan or Ash. During one of my team Ash phases my heart just broke when Ash told her that it is impossible for them be together because he’s a winter fey and she is summer, it’s forbidden, I found myself shouting at the screen it doesn’t matter you love each other who cares about everyone else!

My favourite sarcastic cat, Grimalkin, is also back as is a surprising new ally that was in the iron king, let’s just say I was not expecting that. There are also new and old enemies revealed, one particular character, whilst they weren’t the nicest still came out of the blue. Throughout the book I got the feeling that there is more to Megan than meets the eye concerning her ability with the iron fey which will most probably be elaborated on in the next book. I also hope there is more on a certain person Megan meets but at first can’t remember who he is (for a reason), you’ll understand what I mean when you read the book.

The ending was great and unexpected I literally have no idea what’s going to happen next, I can’t wait for the iron queen, February 2011 so far away. I also should note I got my hands on a copy of the iron daughter ARC ebook courtesy of netGalley and the publisher (thanks!).


Nat said...

Great review---I loved this one too. Julie Kagawa is awesome and I also hope NetGalley gets the Iron Queen early because I can't wait until next year for it!

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