Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Review: Forget You by Jennifer Echols

Release Date: July 20, 2010
Publisher: MTV
Genre: Realistic/Contemporary Fiction, Romance
Age Group: Young Adult, leaning more towards older teens
Pages: 293
Source: Bought

Blurb (taken from Goodreads)


There’s a lot Zoey would like to forget. Like how her father has knocked up his twenty-four- year old girlfriend. Like Zoey’s fear that the whole town will find out about her mom’s nervous breakdown. Like darkly handsome bad boy Doug taunting her at school. Feeling like her life is about to become a complete mess, Zoey fights back the only way she knows how, using her famous attention to detail to make sure she’s the perfect daughter, the perfect student, and the perfect girlfriend to ultra-popular football player Brandon. But then Zoey is in a car crash, and the next day there’s one thing she can’t remember at all—the entire night before. Did she go parking with Brandon, like she planned? And if so, why does it seem like Brandon is avoiding her? And why is Doug—of all people— suddenly acting as if something significant happened between the two of them? Zoey dimly remembers Doug pulling her from the wreck, but he keeps referring to what happened that night as if it was more, and it terrifies Zoey to admit how much is a blank to her. Controlled, meticulous Zoey is quickly losing her grip on the all-important details of her life—a life that seems strangely empty of Brandon, and strangely full of Doug.

The Quickie Review

Jennifer Echols has done it again with Forget You, writing a beautifully crafted novel dealing with first love, teens and their relationships. Life is messy and relationships are complicated, Echols never shies away from dealing with the difficult issues many teens face today be it from divorcing parents, depression or sex. Once again, just like Going Too Far, I’m amazed at how perfectly Echols manages to convey the teen mindset in a realistic manner. Another stunning novel, sign me up for the next book.

The Full Blown Review

I absolutely adored Going To Far so when I found out that Jennifer Echols was releasing another book I immediately pre-ordered it and devoured it the day after I received it, and boy I was not disappointed, yet I should admit Going Too Far is still my favourite Echols’ novel.

Things aren’t going too great for Zoey, her arse of father left her mother for his 24 year old pregnant girlfriend/soon to be wife and her mother attempted suicide. After having her father indicate that no one should find out about the attempted suicide Zoey is left to deal with all her swirling emotional issues herself, she can’t even see a psychologist because Zoey’s dad doesn’t believe in them. The only person who does know what happened is Doug Fox (great surname no?), Zoey’s brooding, handsome classmate, however she can’t talk about this with Doug because they don’t get along. In order to exert some control over her life Zoey, on an impulse, decides to loose her virginity and have a one night stand with her friend Brandon, a known ladies man. Whilst Brandon may see it as a one night stand Zoey doesn’t and thinks Brandon’s her new boyfriend. Then everything changes after Zoey is involved in a car accident and has no memory of what occurred before it and suddenly the usually distant Doug won’t leave her alone and Brandon is being distant. What follows is an emotional ride for Zoey trying to piece together this missing night.

Zoey was a complex character who was trying to deal with her family issues the best she could, through Echols’ writing I really felt for Zoey and the situation she was in. There were a number of times in the book I wanted to either hug Zoey or yell at her, I really was emotionally invested in her happiness. I felt the same way for Doug as well, gorgeous, caring Doug. Throughout the book he was always there for Zoey, and I was really hoping they would eventually end up together. I enjoyed how we got a look into Doug’s home life as well which enabled me as a reader to understand him as a character a lot more. I found it interesting that both Zoey and Doug’s fathers weren’t very nice men. I just have to get this out of the way Zoey’s dad was a real prick, I got so mad at him I mean who threatens to put their daughter in a psychiatric hospital if she was suffering memory loss from the accident just because he didn’t want to change his plans. Ohh I’m getting mad again just writing this down, nasty man! Doug’s dad was just as bad too.

The one issue I have with this book is Zoey constantly saying throughout the book to Doug “I have a boyfriend” which got me so mad, I kept talking out loud to the book saying oh no you don’t you silly girl he doesn’t want anything to do with you but gorgeous handsome Doug does! Anyway whilst Zoey thinks she has a boyfriend it is plainly obvious to the readers she doesn’t I mean having sex with a boy in his car does not make a relationship, I mean this is a teenage boy we’re talking about who probably thinks ‘why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?’, I know its a rather crass analogy but it sums up what he’d be thinking. Also Zoey knew Brandon was a player so I don’t really understand why a smart girl like Zoey actually thought Brandon was her boyfriend, the only reason I can think of was Zoey’s emotional state at the time.

The chemistry between Zoey and Doug was super hot, Zoey was definitely feeling something for Doug even though she didn’t admit it for an excruciatingly long time and Doug definitely felt something for her, yet Zoey kept on denying it, man I was so frustrated, I was like Zoey open your eyes Brandon’s not for you, it’s Doug, Doug! There was this one scene in the book where Zoey and Doug were in the back of Doug’s brother’s police car, man that was hot I’m getting worked up just thinking about it.

Jennifer Echols is an amazing writer who is able to portray realistic teen relationships, with all the angst, hope and despair that often occurs. There is just something special about Echols’ books, I cannot put them down, once I pick them up I have to read them straight through, now that is a sign of a good book!

The Good

* It’s a Jennifer Echols book, need I say more?
* The chemistry between Zoey and Doug, one word hot.
* The characters, I really felt an emotional connection to them.

The Not So Good

* Zoey thinking Brandon was her boyfriend after her one night-stand with him, umm no darling.


4.5 out of 5

Cover Notes

How can you not love this cover, I mean look at the guy, so cute!



Savannah said...

I lik this book too. It was good. Great review

Aleksandra said...

Great review! I'll definitely read it! I actually still haven't read any of her books & I think I'll start with this one :)

Anne R. said...

Oh, yes! The cover is freakin' cute!

I'm so jealous of you. This book is on my I'm-dying-to-read list but it's still not available on my local bookstores ):

nicole said...

ohhh i know the scene you're talking about!

they do have some lovely chemistry together.

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