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Gone by Lisa McMann

Release Date: February 09, 2010
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 214
Janie thought she knew what her future held. And she thought she'd made her peace with it. But she can't handle dragging Cabel down with her.
She knows he will stay with her, despite what she sees in his dreams. He's amazing. And she's a train wreck. Janie sees only one way to give him the life he deserves--she has to disappear. And it's going to kill them both.
Then a stranger enters her life--and everything unravels. The future Janie once faced now has an ominous twist, and her choices are more dire than she'd ever thought possible. She alone must decide between the lesser of two evils. And time is running out...
He reaches toward her, his fingers black and bloody, his eyes deranged, unblinking. Janie is paralyzed. His cold hands reach around her neck, squeezing tight, tighter, until Janie has no breath left. She's unable to move, unable to think. As his grasp tightens further around Janie's neck, his face turns sickly alabaster. He strains harder and begins to shake.
Janie is dying.
She has no fight left in her.
It's over.
My Review:
I do not recommend people read this review unless they have previously read wake and fade as plot points from the first two novels are given away in this review, if you already have read the first two novels happy reading.
Gone picks up shortly after Fade finished, Janie has testified against her teachers for the events that happened during the party and is now known around town as a 'narc' for her work with the police. She is more conflicted than ever over her 'curse', should she stay with Cabel and go blind and loose the use of her hands or should she leave Calbel and isolate herself from the world so she will never get sucked into someone else's' dream again. At the start of the novel Janie seems to have made her decision though she is conflicted about it especially the part about leaving Cabel who she loves. She doesn't want to hurt him because she knows he loves her but he'll get over her eventually, whereas if she stays with him Cabel will never leave Janie even though it will upset him to see Janie loose her sight and the use of her hands. Either option she chooses Cabel will get hurt, which is the best choice? But all is not what it seems, Janie discovers her father who she never even knew existed, is in the hospital in a coma and won't be waking up and this situation may be caused by him being a dream catcher just like Janie. What follows is even more revelations for Janie about her 'curse' particularly on what her future holds for her. As she learns more either way she looks at it both possibilities (stay, go blind and loose the use of her hands or isolation) are equally bad, which one will she choose, she thought she knew but now?
I was surprised how much I enjoyed this series, when I first picked up Wake it took me a while to get used Lisa McMann's writing style (simple and fast paced), I have never read a book written like this before. However that said I soon got into it and here I am now at the end of the series. There wasn't as much suspense and mystery in this book compared to Wake and Fade this book focuses mainly on Janie's issues which has disappointed many people according to the reviews I have read. I didn't think it was that bad, but I enjoyed delving into great detail about what Janie was going through and her reflections, some people may not like that.
With a book like this the ending was never going to be wrapped up nicely but I felt Lisa McMann did an excellent job even though there were still unanswered questions. Whilst this wasn't my favourite book of the series, overall this was a thoroughly enjoyable trilogy.
Comments by IntenseDebate
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- Romy @ Lost.in.Stories
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