Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Return to Paradise Sneak Peek

Maggie and Caleb just went through the worst year of their lives. Hit by a car and starting life over with a limp, Maggie never thought she would forgive Caleb. But she did-and fell in love. What they shared was real. But Caleb wanted to be free from the past-and a terrible secret: he wasn't the one who hit Maggie. So he left Paradise-and Maggie-forever.

When Maggie and Caleb run into each other in a different town, they can't deny their true feelings. Will Maggie let Caleb get away again? Or will Caleb face the truth and return to Paradise? (from Goodreads)

As many of you know, well if you’ve read my review (click HERE) you’d know, one of my all time favourite books is Leaving Paradise by Simone Elkeles, I just fell in love with Maggie and Caleb. Well Simone has written a sequel, Return to Paradise, which will be released September 1st (I’ve already pre-ordered my copy), less than a month to go now (yes I’m counting down do you have a problem with that?).

A sneak peek has been released, so if your interested click HERE!

*Squeals* I’m so excited for this book, I can’t wait, what do you guys think of the sneak peek?

I just have to thank both Michelle @ Michelle’s Bookshelf and Patricia @ Patricia’s Particularity for bringing this amazing sneak peek to my attention. Thanks girls!


Anonymous said...

SOOOOOO excited for this book! A little under month left until it's released WOHOO! ;)

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Romy @ Lost.in.Stories
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