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Friday, July 23, 2010

Book Blogger Hop (#4)

Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Jennifer @ Crazy for Books. ‘The Hop’ is a great way to find other people who love to blog about books just like me! So if you’re interested in participating why not check out Jennifer’s website for more information, simply click here.

So today’s question for the Hop is (*drum roll please*):

Tell us about the book you are currently reading.

Well I have just finished Fragile Eternity by Melissa Marr. I absolutely adore this series, every time I pick up Marr’s books I get lost in the world she has created. However, with that said this was my least favourite in the series so far, it was an enjoyable read but I found it lacking compared to the previous books. I’ll be posting my review soon. Anyway I need to find a new book to read, I was supposed to receive *key word supposed* Insatiable by Meg Cabot and Forget You by Jennifer Echols today but my postman has not delivered the goods! Arghh, oh curse that postman! So does anyone have any suggestions on what I should read next while I’m waiting for my books to arrive.


Nomes said...

I know that waiting on the post man feeling :(

I'm waiting for Forget You to come as well - from The Book Depository. My sister gets ones I send her from there in, like, a week after I place the order (she's in Sydney). I'm usually 2 weeks in Coffs.

you could read tomorrow when the war began ;) especially for the movie coming out soon and if (le gasp) you havent read it yet :)


Angie said...

Dang those postmen! I once waited four days to get my stupid books and since I could track them I knew they got re-routed to a different post office about 10 miles away. Was so tempted to just drive over there. I'd pick up Melina Marchetta's Jellicoe Road if you haven't already. Love the book hop idea. Maybe next week if I have more time!

Katie said...

Hopefully you get your books soon! Great hop this week. I have a few of Marr's books sitting on my to be read pile. Looking forward to your review. I'm a new follower : )

Have a great weekend,

Sugar and Snark said...

Already a follower :) Just popping in to say have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hey, found you via the hop. Great blog :)
I really want to read Forget You, so I can understand your frustration!
Rachel Star

danya said...

Hi, I'm stopping by through the hop and now following! I've heard good things about Forget You, so hope that when it comes it's worth the wait!


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