Sunday, March 6, 2011

In My Mailbox #25

In My Mailbox is a meme hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren once a week which explores the weekly contents of your mailbox and books bought.

Hello my bloggy readers, I hope you are all well. You may or may not have noticed that I’ve been MIA from blogging and *sigh* reading for most of February as uni work and actual work caught up with me. For a while there I was drowning in it but fear not I’ll hopefully be back reading and blogging this month, here’s hoping. Now with that said I’ll get to the good stuff ... all the books I received!

For Review:

7 Souls by Barnabas Miller & Jordan Orlando (Penguin Australia/March 28, 2011)

Mary expected her seventeenth birthday to be a blow-out to remember. Instead, she wakes up naked and scratched, in a mortifyingly public place, with no memory of how she got there. As her life spins out of control, Mary begins to think that someone is out to get her. But isn't she the popular girl everyone loves?

Thanks to Penguin Australia for sending me this review copy. Currently I’m about halfway in and it’s not too bad, at first I did have reservations primarily because of the cover which, call me crazy, looks a bit dodgy, so I wouldn’t have picked this up if I found it at the bookstore, but as I said before it’s not too bad, I’m interested to find out what exactly is happening because I’m a tad confused.

The Luxe by Anna Godbersen (Penguin/September 1, 2008)

Imagine, if you will, New York City, 1899 . . .

Society's elite: the glamour, the grandeur, the glittering parties, the most handsome beaus, the most beautiful debutantes, the sounds of decadence, the rich girl, the humble boy, the forbidden love, the hushed whispers, the stolen glances, the secret rendezvous, the sin, the scandal, the mystery, the revenge.

You are cordially invited to step into The Luxe, where the secrets are dark and the sins are delicious.

I wonder if this is as good as Anna’s other book series Bright Young Things, if so I’ll definitely love it! Bring of the historic melodrama I say.


The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson (Walker Books/June 7, 2010)

I can’t believe I finally bought this! I’ve been wanting to read it for ages with so many glowing reviews. The book is also very purdy with it’s fabric cover, that’s right you read correctly, a fabric cover, ha!

Darkest Mercy (Wicked Lovely #5) by Melissa Marr (HarperCollins Children’s Books/March 3, 2011)

Final in the amazingly detailed and engrossing series, need I say more?

The Iron Queen (Iron Fey #3) by Julie Kagawa (Harlequin Teen/January 25, 2011)

Must find out what is going to happen to Ash ….

Hexbound (Dark Elite #2) by Chloe Neill (Signet Books/January 4, 2011)

As the author of one of my all time favourite series, the Chicagoland Vampire series, I’ll read anything Chloe writes. I’ve also read the first book in the Dark Elite series, Firespell, and am interested to find out what mischief Lily, Scout and co. will find themselves in this time.

Darkfever (Fever #1) by Karen Marie Moning (Dell/August 28, 2007) [ADULT]

With all the love it receives on goodreads I finally caved in and bought this, I hope it’s as good as everyone says.


Unearthly by Cynthia Hand (HarperCollins Australia/January 1, 2011)

Thanks to Danielle over at Alpha Reader for holding the giveaway!

Books from the wonderful, splendiferous Nicole @ The Uncommon Nonsense:

Anna & the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins (Penguin Australia/January 4, 2011)

Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini (Macmillan Children’s Books/June 3, 2011)

Destiny brought them together. The Gods will keep them apart.

When shy, awkward Helen Hamilton sees Lucas Delos for the first time she thinks two things: the first, that he is the most ridiculously beautiful boy she has seen in her life; the second, that she wants to kill him with her bare hands.

With an ancient curse making them loathe one another, Lucas and Helen have to keep their distance. But sometimes love is stronger than hate, and not even the gods themselves can prevent what will happen . . .

The above cover is the UK one which is okay, I personally prefer the US cover which I have include below for your viewing pleasure…

Which do you prefer?

Nicole if you’re reading this I have something for you *kisses*

Thanks so much to Nicole for sending these books over to me. I love the look of Starcrossed, and by ‘look of’ I mean the cover as it has metallic gold on the inside, how cool is that, it’s a very fancy ARC. Whilst I like the look of the book and the blurb sounds like the book will be pretty amazing (enter the words destiny and love and I’m a goner) apparently the content of it is not so good (I got the info from a very trustworthy and well read source), but we’ll see.

Also here is a shameless plug for Nicole’s blog The Uncommon Nonsense, so please click HERE or HERE or HERE, you won’t be disappointed, the book reviews are both informative and very witty, sometimes I even laugh out loud when reading the reviews, so what are you waiting for go, vamoose!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Kimberly Derting’s ‘The Pledge’ Cover Revealed!

As some of you may know my love of Kimberly Derting knows no bounds, I adore her Body Finder novels, the woman is a genius and now she is releasing a new novel titled The Pledge, I hear you asking what in the heck is this pledge novel about? Well here’s the little snip bit (or taster as I like to call it) we’ve been given, thanks to goodreads:

“A romantic fantasy novel set in a dystopic, war-torn world, in which a teenage girl realizes that she may be the key to saving her country”

Okay so two things in this sentence have piqued my interest

1. Dystopic, I have an unhealthy obsession for dystopian novels ever since Suzanne Collins and her Hunger Games trilogy, oh Suzanne you have introduced me into a whole new crazy world and

2. Romantic fantasy, zing did someone mention romance, I have a soft spot for romance, on the outside I may be cold but inside me beats my very warm and fuzzy heart which loves a good romance

Now for the cover ……

Pretty amazing no? It’s so stunning with the very pale model contrasted with the black background and black cape (I think it's a cape, not sure though), it certainly draws you in. Oh how I adore thee book cover! As Kimberly so eloquently put it “I have hearts floating out of my eyes…

The Pledge releases the 15th November 2011 and is published by Simon & Schuster

Waiting on Wednesday: Still Waters by Emma Carlson Berne

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine, which spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" is:

Still Waters by Emma Carlson Berne

Release Date: December 20, 2011
Publisher: Simone Pulse
Age Group: Young Adult

Hannah and Colin seem to have the perfect relationship, but as her second-to-last year of school draws to a close and Colin prepares to head off to college, Hannah feels he might be slipping away. She knows they need some real quality time alone if she’s going to hold on to him.

So when she finds pictures of his old family lake house, she secretly schemes to get him there. But when they arrive, he’s not thrilled. Actually, he’s totally freaked out. And though she gets him to relax, his behavior becomes stranger by the day: he disappears for long stretches of the night, has a bizarre breakdown in a nearby diner, and when the car stops running, he seems completely unconcerned about fixing it. The lake house holds secrets, and what Hannah doesn’t know and Colin can’t remember just might kill them both.

STILL WATERS is a riveting, suspenseful, atmospheric thriller by Emma Carlson Berne, author of Hard to Get.

Yes finally it’s a YA thriller, oh I’ve been waiting to read a decent sounding YA thriller since I finished Desires of the Dead and hence because this is my WOW pick I think it will be a decent, nay a fantabulous YA thriller based solely on the sound of the blurb. My mind is reeling with questions, what happened at the lake house? Why is Colin freaked out about it? What secrets are hidden in the lake house? Hmmm questions, questions, questions, I guess the only way to get answers is to read the book which I’ll be doing once it’s released in December, which seems so far away L

Well that’s my “waiting on” pick, what's yours this week?
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Romy @
Greetings fellow blog readers, welcome to my blog and thank you for stopping by. Now you may be wondering who is Well is also known as Romy, a 23 year old graduate student from Australia who loves to read. I read (maybe devour would be a more appropriate word) largely young adult novels, with a particular love of fantasy and paranormal novels, however I am also a sucker for a good romance.
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